By Boulder Therapeutics / April 13, 2022

5 Safe Lower Body Stretches for Tight Legs and Hips

Self Care for Athletes

Do you have tight legs and hips? Is it limiting you from performing your best?  Or maybe you're recovering from an injury?

Prevent injuries and perform better by keeping your muscles plyable!

Learn a quick 5 minute stretching routine for your lower body. These are 5 of our favorite stretches for your lower body.
1) Hip Flexors
2) Quads
3) Gluteals
4) Hamstrings
5) Calfs.

These are great stretches for athletes (runner's, triathletes, cyclists, etc.) and people with tight hips or tight lower back. They can help reduce the incidence of injury and increase your mobility. We have over 20 years experience working with professional athletes and injured clients. Our goal is to demonstrate safe, effective home care with these resources.

Contact us for more information at

*Disclaimer: Always check with your doctor of medical professional to determine if any exercise, stretching or movement routine is safe for you.

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