Sunday Gravel Ride

Details :

Weekly gravel adventure rides on smooth gravel, single-track, fire roads, and more mixed surface riding.

Every week we strive to have the following 3 pace groups with at least one ride leader per group.


  • Starts easy and conversational, and it becomes progressively harder, especially on pre-determined climbs or segments, with no planned regrouping. This is a DROP RIDE. Conversation will be difficult to sustain, and the group may spread out. 
  • Pick this ride if: You are extremely fit, experienced with high-speed riding in a fast-moving peloton, and really like the performance, training, and competitive aspect of cycling.


  • A moderate pace ride with parts becoming more difficult, especially on pre-determined climbs or segments, with regrouping at the end of them, within reason (be prepared for this to be a DROP ride).  At other times during the ride it will be mellow and conversation will ensue. 
  • Pick this ride if: You are comfortable riding in a group. You'r re fit, you like to spice up your pace a bit, but not looking for a "hammer-fest". You want to get a workout in, in a social casual setting. 


  • A casual all day pace that you could easily carry on for several hours. It's easy, conversational, and all inclusive, meant to meet fellow cyclists and welcoming new riders to the sport.  “No drop” rules all the way through.
  • Pick this ride if: You are a novice cyclist, or a more experienced cyclist looking to educate & welcome new riders to the sport.

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  • Attend

    Cycling event

    2355 30th Street, Boulder, CO, USA

    December 31, 2023
    from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
